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Domestic Assault and Battery

Massachusetts Domestic Assault and Battery Attorneys

Domestic assault and battery charges, like all domestic violence crimes, are taken very seriously in Massachusetts. If you have been charged with domestic assault and battery, you could be punished with jail time and burdensome probation conditions such as anger management and batterer’s programs. Here in our Commonwealth, police officers are required to arrest any person accused of domestic violence. It is not unusual for disgruntled spouses or relatives to make up domestic violence allegations during a divorce, break up or custody battle, and when they try to take back the fabricated accusations, it’s too late. They cannot drop the charges, and the decisions will be in the hands of the district attorney.

An assault is an attempt to commit a battery or engaging in some kind of unlawful behavior that places another person in reasonable fear of receiving a battery immediately. A battery is any unlawful application of force to another person. When an assault or battery is allegedly committed against a family or household member or a romantic partner, it will be considered a domestic assault or battery.

Police officers and prosecutors are aggressive when it comes to domestic assault and battery. Historically, violent acts within the home were ignored and considered private, family business. Now, mandatory arrest and no–drop policies and vigorous prosecutions are an attempt to compensate for past practices. The fear is that anything less would be taken as a message that domestic abuse will be tolerated by the state. Therefore, if you have been charged with domestic assault and battery, you need to speak with a criminal defense lawyer immediately.

Sometimes a simple household argument or misunderstanding can quickly snowball out of control and you find yourself in the middle of a serious domestic dispute. Arrests are often made, restraining orders are often issued and the potential of being held on high bail is a real possibility. Our experience criminal attorneys can help you. Whether you have just been arrested or if you have already been arraigned and you are waiting for your next court date we are here to help. Our staff is available around the clock to answer any questions you have and we can meet with you at either our Cambridge or Boston office location.

Domestic Assault and Battery Lawyers in Boston and Throughout Massachusetts: 617.492.3000 or 800.481.6199

The criminal defense lawyers at Altman & Altman LLP, a Greater Boston law firm, have extensive experience successfully defending clients accused of domestic assault and battery. In the face of even the most forceful prosecution, we will zealously defend you every step of the way. Time and again, we get the absolute best results for our clients. We use our skill and knowledge to come up with best defense strategies possible.

Please Contact the Greater Boston Law Firm of Altman & Altman, LLP to schedule a Free Initial Consultation with one of our experienced MA Domestic Assault and Battery Lawyers. If you would like to speak with us, we always offer free initial consultations, which will be kept strictly confidential. Feel free to call us at any time, day or night, at 617.492.3000 or 800.481.6199 or contact us online.

Client Reviews

Dear Sam, I can not thank you enough for your expertise in the handling of Chris's case as well as your sensitivity and caring attitude. toward him. I appreciate it from...

Pat W.

I really appreciate your prompt and highly effective assistance on this matter. After six different OUI attorneys told me that there was no way to recall the warrant and...

Neil D. Boston, MA

It took some 30 years, almost the loss of a job, FID card, arrested, etc, etc. I tried several lawyers, and got the same disappointing answer; sorry, nothing we can do...

Robert D.

First off, I am so grateful I was able to find this outstanding law firm. From day one I initially spoke with Mr. Altman, and he was 100% professional and provided me...

Sarah S.

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