of Mind When You
Need It Most.
Counterfeiting is when items such as coins, currency, postage, military papers, government securities, computer software, CDs and other items are produced and sold that are known to be worth less than those that are genuine. It is illegal to sell counterfeit items as the real thing. Counterfeiting is a felony and carries a punishment of up to 12 years in prison and/or a fine up to $250,000.
Uttering is when a counterfeit item is knowingly sold or offered to someone else, but the person selling the item did not actually create the false item. Examples of this are forging university diplomas, or using a fake ID.
To schedule your free case evaluation with Altman & Altman LLP, call 617.492.3000 or 800.481.6199 (toll free) or contact us online. Our criminal defense lawyers represent clients that are under investigation, have been charged with, or have already been convicted for counterfeiting and/or uttering crimes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.